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Opposite Method

This method is applied as a turning point. The Opposite Method requires participants to do the opposite of what they were doing in the previous exercise.


  • Duration
    Medium (about 30-60 minutes)
  • Complexity
  • Group size
    5 to 10 persons

This activity is suitable online.

Description Long

The aim of the turning point is for workshop participants to take a break and distance themselves from everything that is related to the project, in order to generate new ideas. The Opposite Method is also dedicated to this goal. Participants should do the opposite of what they did in the previous exercise. Participants take a mental break from the workshop and focus on a new topic that they discuss during the break. A different form of physical activity is also required. If the participants sat during the workshop, they should stand or walk during the break. If the workshop was conducted indoors, they should go outside, and so forth.

After the turning point, the change of topic, physical activity and environment will help participants to generate new ideas and engage them with an open mind.



No preparations are needed


The Opposite Method does not require any preparation. However, it is essential that participants are motivated to engage in a new topic. The turning point is an excellent opportunity for unacquainted workshop participants to get to know each other, and it also gives them a chance to learn about the other participants' skills and knowledge.

Hints from experience

With this method, the group members can freely decide what they are going to do. For example, take a walk, jump into a lake or drink a coffee outside. Finding a different physical location is essential for generating novel ideas and discussing new topics.


This method was developed by Marcel Geiser, Marco Barmettler Marc Willimann and Martina Bircher during the CreaLab Summerschool 2018 of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.