Your learning and working style indicator The following indicator is based on the work of David A. Kolb on dominant learning styles and the resulting learning types. If you complete the indicator spontaneously and intuitively, it will help you to better understand how you approach problems, make decisions, set goals, deal with new situations and also how you prefer to interact with other people. The result can also give you an insight into how you learn, but also how you deal with ideas in your work.
According to Kolb, people learn and work cyclically over four phases. The diagram below shows the four phases. A "concrete experience" can be the starting point for a further "reflective observation". This could then be processed into a "theory" via an "abstract conceptualisation", from which new conclusions could be derived, from which "active experimentation" arises in order to make a further "concrete experience". However, each person works and learns individually in this four-phase cycle, with different focal points, sequences and according to their abilities. It is important for your own learning and work to recognise this pattern and your own preferences. The inherent strengths can then be better utilised in order to make more use of any forms of learning and working that have been recognised and neglected and, depending on the situation, to apply them more intensively than before. This can be particularly important when faced with new challenges.