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Your organisational resilience indicator

This indicator is derived from the Australian government's, ‘Organisational Resilience HealthCheck’. It was revised and adapted by Prof Dr Jens Meissner and Sheron Baumann from the Lucerne School of Business.

In contrast to the personal resilience indicator, when working on the following tool you are asked to think exclusively about the organisation in which you currently work or in which you have been employed for some time.

It is clear from the two poles of the states described that you should assess the organisational aspects from your perspective and not analyse your own behaviour or the behaviour of the team.

For this tool to really work, it is important that you answer authentically and genuinely, but also as spontaneously as possible. Experience shows that the longer you think about a question, the more likely you are to tick the box in the middle. However, this behaviour would prevent valuable insights and hought-provoking impulses.

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