The first part of the indicator, which concerns personal behaviour, was integrated into rcc on the basis of the RS-13 Resilience Questionnaire1. The RS-13 Resilience Qquestionnaire was developed by Karena Leppert, Benjamin Koch, Elmar Brähler and Bernhard Strauß at the Institute of Psychosocial Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.
The second part of the indicator on workplace behaviour was integrated into rcc based on the work of Roman Soucek, Christian Schlett and Nina Pauls2 from the Chair of Psychology, in particular Economic and Social Psychology at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
The personal resilience indicator gives you an idea of how well you are personally able to cope with stress and crises and how you manage difficult situations in everyday working life.
Overall, you will get a good overview of your personal and professional resilience.
When you reflect on the individual findings, imagine how you have experienced and reacted to difficult situations in your personal everyday life, in the context of your previous professional activity, both independently and, in the last part, as part of a team.
Please read through each statement and tick how much the statements apply to you in general, i.e. how much your usual thinking and actions are best described by the respective statement.
For this tool to really work, it is important that you answer authentically and genuinely, but also as spontaneously as possible. Experience shows that the longer you think about a question, the more likely you are to tick the box in the middle. However, this behaviour would prevent valuable insights and thought-provoking impulses.