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Your boundary indicator

Your boundary indicator According to Christena E. Nippert-Eng's Boundary Theory (1995), people differ in the way they delimit their different life worlds from one another or integrate them into one another and also mix them.

This boundary indicator helps you to understand your primary needs within your own life worlds. It provides you with information about the extent to which you feel the need to keep the domains of work and private life separate or to mix them. Answer the questions according to your needs so that your personal boundary type can be determined.

Wherever your needs do not correspond to reality, there are boundary violations. Such violations, transgressions or even disruptions can, for example, contribute to you experiencing stress more frequently and therefore becoming exhausted more quickly. Properly implemented boundary tactics can help you to set better boundaries and thus contribute to your health.

For this tool to really work, it is important that you answer as authentically and genuinely, but also as spontaneously as possible. Experience shows that the longer you think about a question, the more likely you are to tick the box in the middle. However, this behaviour would prevent valuable insights and food for thought.

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