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Expert Panel

This method is about the objective evaluation of ideas by a group of selected experts in a problem area. It allows getting additional insights and know-how by experts.


  • Duration
    Medium (about 30-60 minutes)
  • Complexity
  • Group size
    2 to 5 persons

This activity is suitable online.

Description Long

Experts have acquired professional knowledge on a topic and are often scientifically trained professionals, in a broader way, everyone that has acquired special knowledge in a problem area through participation or involvement. The goal of an expert panel is to get a specific valuation of an idea. Moreover additional knowledge can be gathered and influence the foundation of a solution. For this method specialists or representatives of an interest group (panel) come together to assess the ideas presented. They present their view oft he concept and compare their opinions to create an additional benefit. A moderator can support the participants in their valuation. This method can be used at different points of the evaluation.


  1. Get in contact with experts and arrange an expert panel. Experts can also be selected from the creative team.
  2. Develop valuation criteria.
  3. If applicable, presentation of the topic.

Online: prepare an online meetingroom (e.g. Zoom), make sure all participants can access and audio and video will work.


  1. Introduce the ideas tot he panel, whereas the ideas should be comparable and detailed, to allow a valuation by the experts.
  2. Recall the valuation criteria fort he participants.
  3. Present ideas systematically and assess them.
  4. Document the valuation.

Hints from experience


