Wartungsmeldung:Derzeit finden intensive Arbeiten an der Onlineplattform statt. Es kann zwischendurch zu kurzen Unterbrechungen kommen. Danke für Ihr Verständnis.
Our brains rely heavily on its ability to recognize, remember and use patterns to become more efficient and effective. However, the reliance on the patterns limits our thinking since assumptions could act as blind spots in the creativity processes. Assumption Busting method is a useful remedy against patterned thinking. By consciously examining and recognizing the assumptions that exist in our thinking patterns, the human brains will be able to alter such assumptions and re-frame our understanding of a situation or challenge.
List any ideas, facts, and assumptions regardless of how obvious and superficial they are.
Dugan, Maggie., & Dunne, T. (2007). Assumption Busting: Breaking Patterns to Find New Ideas. Retrieved from http://www.instantbrainstorm.com/images/Assumption_Busting.pdf
Five Whys,. (2012). Assumption Busting. Retrieved 30 July 2015, from https://fivewhys.wordpress.com/2012/02/27/assumption-busting/
GoLeanSixSigma.com,. Assumption Busting. Retrieved 30 July 2015, from https://goleansixsigma.com/assumption-busting/