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Designing open projects creatively - Introduction

The Open Project gives your creativity free rein. You design project sections as you need them. The context of opening and closing can be understood indirectly via the colour scheme. Depending on your needs, you can also integrate innovation workshops, for example, to give your project creative impetus.

If you want to find out more about creativity and creative work, use the link to the create course:


This link starts chapter 1 of the web-based training ‘create’.

Here you will find a compact introduction to creative work with the Open Project:


This link starts chapter 1 of the web-based training ‘create’.

Project phases

The Open Project leaves it entirely up to you which phase progression you need in your project. You may initially only need one project section: this is the general phase. It corresponds, for example, to a bar in a GANTT DIAGRAMM.

Or you can define it more specifically. Perhaps you realise that there is a presentation phase in the project, or you need an accompanying coaching phase.

The phases differ in terms of the methods and results they contain and offer you a choice of.

The phases differ in terms of which method descriptions are offered as help. The General phase shows you all the methods that are available in becreate:

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