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Creative guessing

For this method, there are two opposing groups. Taking turns, one member of one team draws a card, which has something written on it. The card says whether the term must be drawn or mimed. Both groups can guess what term is being described or depicted. The group who guesses the term correctly gets one point. Neither group receives a point if nobody is able to guess the term within sixty seconds.


  • Duration
    Short (up to 30 minutes)
  • Complexity
  • Group size
    6 to 30 persons

This activity is not suitable online.

Description Long

For creative guessing, the participants are divided into two groups. During each round, one member of one team draws a card, which has something written on it. The person must either draw the term or pantomime it, according to the instructions on the card. The group that guesses the term correctly gets one point. Each participant should draw at least one card.  Neither group gets a point if nobody is able to guess the term within sixty seconds. The winning team is determined at the end of the game.

The aim is to activate different regions of the brain with the various exercises. The participants should steer clear of simple explanations.


1. Write terms on the cards, one per participant.

2. On the card, state whether the word must be drawn or mimed.

3. Fold the card.


1. Divide the participants into two groups.

2. Start the first round.

Tools list

  • Flashcards
