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For creativity, innovation workshops and (inter)connected media projects

Name Type (about) Picture Description Strengths/Application Costs A Costs A type Costs B Costs B type Context
100 Euro bills (toy money) Some 100 Euro toy bills, bought, or copied from toy bills.
Arts and craft material Material for creation, e.g. modelling clay, cardboard, paper, wood, colour, water, scissors, cutter, hot glue, string, nails etc. Economical
Big and small paper circles Big and small paper circles
Bulletin board
Chairs Enough chairs for all participants and presenters. Consider workshop size.
Cheat sheet with inspiring questions
Copies of role descriptions (six hats)
duct tape Self-adhesive tape
Flashcards Little prepared flash cards, immediately usable
Flipchart or Whiteboard
Hats, colored Hats of the colors: white, blue, red, green, black and yellow. Caps or headbands work, too.
Head push pins
Internet access
Labeling plates Plates which help to mark distinguished spaces in a room.
Matrix, coordinate system on paper A prepared matrix, or a coordinate system, to put little sticky dots
Paper Empty white paper A4, A3, Flipchart or other size
Paper and pencil Several A4 sheets each participant, pen/pencil
Paper off the reel White or colored paper, baking paper, packaging paper, gift paper or big flip chart paper
Paper, big, flipchart
Papier cards (blank) Empty paper cards to be filled with text by the workshop participants
Pencils, board markers Set of markers, thick, many colors
Photo camera Reflex or compact camera; practical hint: check if batteries are charged!
Picture puzzles Collection of picture puzzles on paper, Powerpoint or else
Playing cards
Poster or cards with megatrends
Props Hilfsmittel für eine ganz einfachen Bühnengestaltung: Karton, Stoff, Kisten, leichte Holzstäbe...
Questionnaires (thematisch, vorgefertigt) Prepared papers that allow a questionnaire
Selection cards Prepared evaluation paper with points rationing system
Snacks and beverages Tea, coffee, beagles, fruits, chocolate ... and a supporting table
Sticky dots Little dots of different color that stick to their surface.
Sticky notes Sticky notes, post-its
Stopwatch Stop watch where ever: sport watch, mobile phone, ...
Storyboard templates
Supporting tables Small round tables for four people are ideal.
Surface protection material Material for protection, e.g. cutting board, covering material etc.
Visualisation for the introduction (powerpoint) Visualisation for the introduction (powerpoint)
Wall for collective work Additional wall (or window) space for posting collective work and/or the work of the tables
Worksheets, prepared Prepared and printed worksheets
Writing utensils, pen, pencil
Audio recorder Electroacoustics Portable recorder to record sound. affordable Rental expensive Purchase
Clapperboard A board that can be written on, that is used to create a start signal, to mark the scenes. affordable Rental affordable Make yourself
Drone Film equipment Drone equipped with a video camera. Affordable Rental Expensive Purchase
Lavalier microphone Electroacoustics An unobtrusive microphone that is worn under/over the attire. affordable Rental moderately expensive Purchase
Microphone (Cardioid, Shotgun) Electroacoustics affordable Rental moderately expensive Purchase
Photo camera Photo equipment affordable Rental expensive Purchase
Reflectors Light sources! A reflector is used to direct natural light to the filmed frame. Some reflectors can be folded.
Research tools Literature, databases and search engines free
Smartphone Free Available Expensive Purchase
Soft boxes The box diffuses the light from the light source over a large area. This way light is distributed more evenly. average to expensive Purchase
Spotlights Light engineers Movable, freestanding spotlights that can be fitted with filters. affordable Rental expensive Purchase
Studio lights
Tripod, fixed Film equipment A freestanding, large, usually heavy tripod that is also able to support big cameras and provides smooth camera work. Affordable Rental Expensive Purchase
Tripod, mobile / Gimbal Film Equipment A light tripod that is easy to transport. Very affordable Rental Expensive Sale
Tripod, ultra-flexible Film equipment A smallish tripod with flexible legs. Legs can be bent to a clamping movement. Affordable Purchase
Video camera Film equipment Affordable Rental Very expensive Purchase
Video editing software used for post-processing of image and sound Software
Workstations for video editing. PC, laptop, video editing software, personal devices or company computer. Free / affordable Available through org. environment Very expensive Purchase