rcc-Suite – create

4. (Inter)connected Media Learning (7/10)

Warum macht (Inter)connected Media Learning als digitaler Wissensspeicher und Leistungsnachweis Sinn?

  • "[…] analyze video cases can improve motivation, learning, empathy, and the construction of professional identity." (Akram, Adil; O'brien, Aileen; O'neill, Aidan; Latham, Richard (2009): Crossing the line - Learning psychiatry at the movies. In: International Review of Psychiatry 21 (3), S. 267-268. DOI: 10.1080/09540260902746880.)
    Siehe auch:
  • Koc, Mustafa (2011): Let's make a movie. Investigating pre-service teachers' reflections on using video-recorded role playing cases in Turkey. In: Teaching and Teacher Education 27 (1), S. 95-106. DOI: 10.1016/j.tate.2010.07.006.
  • Strauch, T.; Engelke, C. (2016). Filme machen. Denken und produzieren in filmischen Einstellungen. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, UTB Medienwissenschaft, 4633.
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